Updated August 2022
Greetings to all women of St. Anne’s Parish. We provide spiritual, interesting, fun and rewarding
activities for our members. We strive to assist our parish in many ways to serve the Lord and foster
community and growth. Some of activities include: Yearly Spiritual Retreat, Monthly Mass for Living &
Deceased Women of St. Anne’s, Sick Home Bound Visitors, Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry, Funeral
Receptions for parishioners, Sale of Religious Articles etc.
We fundraise for various approved charities and assist the parish with purchases and updates as needed.
Our annual membership drive will be held in September. This will be our 18th year. Cost is $20.
To Join: We require name, home address, email address, phone number and $20. cheque or cash.
Place in envelope and put in the St. Anne’s Women’s Group locked box located on the wall
near the bulletin board at the main lobby of the church or place in a clearly marked envelope “SAWG MEMBERSHIP” and place in collection basket.
For further information call Denise McNeil 705-748-5339 or Maria Serra 705-875-2664